Saturday, 22 December 2012

difference between not in and not exists in sql server?

 CREATE TABLE employeeexistsexists  (emp_no    INT NOT NULL,
                         emp_fname varCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
                         emp_lname varCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
                         dept_no   varCHAR(4) NULL)

 insert into employeeexistsexists values(1,  'Matthew', 'Smith',    'd3')
 insert into employeeexistsexists values(2,  'Ann',     'Jones',    'd3')
 insert into employeeexistsexists values(3,  'John',    'Barrimore','d1')
 insert into employeeexistsexists values(4,  'James',   'James',    'd2')
 insert into employeeexistsexists values(5,  'Elsa',    'Bertoni',  'd2')
 insert into employeeexistsexists values(6,  'Elke',    'Hansel',   'd2')
 insert into employeeexistsexists values(7,  'Sybill',  'Moser',    'd1')

select * from employeeexistsexists

CREATE TABLE department(dept_no   CHAR(4) NOT NULL,
                         dept_name CHAR(25) NOT NULL,
                         location  CHAR(30) NULL)

 insert into department values ('d1', 'developer',   'Dallas')
 insert into department values ('d2', 'tester',      'Seattle')
 insert into department values ('d3', 'marketing',  'Dallas')

 select * from department
 select * from employeeexistsexists
 SELECT emp_lname FROM employeeexistsexists WHERE emp_lname  in
        (SELECT emp_lname FROM department WHERE employeeexistsexists.dept_no = department.dept_no
          AND location = 'Seattle')
  --NOT EXISTS      
 select emp_lname from employeeexistsexists where  exists
 (select * from department where employeeexistsexists.dept_no=department.dept_no and location= 'seattle')

select * from department
select * from employeeexistsexists

The difference between NOT IN and NOT EXISTS

There is a popular misconception that NOT IN and NOT EXISTS are two ways to filter out rows present in one table and not in another table, with both methods being usable interchangeably. Popular wisdom is that the difference between the two is only in terms of performance (being on the basis of whether the larger table is the "outer" or the "inner" in the query) but that the results are the same.

However, we must remember that such an operation being an Anti-Join fails when NULLs are involved. In Oracle a NULL cannot be compared to any other value, not even another NULL. Therefore, a NOT IN operation would fail if the result set being probed returns a NULL. In such a case, the results of a NOT IN query is 0 rows while a NOT EXISTS query would still show the rows present in the one table but not in the other table.

Here is a simple demonstration :
SQL> -- create the two test tables
SQL> drop table results_table purge;

Table dropped.

SQL> drop table query_table purge;

Table dropped.

SQL> create table results_table
 2  as select owner,object_name,object_type from dba_objects where owner in ('HEMANT','DBSNMP','OUTLN');

Table created.

SQL> create table query_table
 2  as select owner,object_name,object_type from dba_objects where owner in ('DBSNMP','OUTLN');

Table created.

SQL> -- a NOT IN query
SQL> select r.owner, r.object_name from results_table r
 2  where r.owner not in (select q.owner from query_table q)
 3  order by 1,2;

OWNER                          OBJECT_NAME                                                                                         
------------------------------ ------------------------------                                                                      
HEMANT                         DUPDB                                                                                               
HEMANT                         MY_T_A                                                                                              
HEMANT                         RESULTS_TABLE                                                                                       
HEMANT                         SOURCE_TABLE                                                                                        
HEMANT                         TEST_APPEND                                                                                         
HEMANT                         TRACE_USER_SESSIONS                                                                                 
HEMANT                         TRACE_USER_SESSIONS_BEGIN                                                                           
HEMANT                         TRACE_USER_SESSIONS_END                                                                             

8 rows selected.

SQL> -- a NOT EXISTS query
SQL> select r.owner, r.object_name from results_table r
 2  where not exists (select '1' from  query_table q where r.owner=q.owner)
 3  order by 1,2;

OWNER                          OBJECT_NAME                                                                                         
------------------------------ ------------------------------                                                                      
HEMANT                         DUPDB                                                                                               
HEMANT                         MY_T_A                                                                                              
HEMANT                         RESULTS_TABLE                                                                                       
HEMANT                         SOURCE_TABLE                                                                                        
HEMANT                         TEST_APPEND                                                                                         
HEMANT                         TRACE_USER_SESSIONS                                                                                 
HEMANT                         TRACE_USER_SESSIONS_BEGIN                                                                           
HEMANT                         TRACE_USER_SESSIONS_END                                                                             

8 rows selected.

SQL> ---
SQL> REM  So far, NOT IN  and  NOT EXISTS  have presented the same results
SQL> REM  What happens if there is a row with a NULL value ?
SQL> insert into query_table values (NULL,'ABCDEFGH','TABLE');

1 row created.

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

SQL> -- retry the NOT IN query
SQL> select r.owner, r.object_name from results_table r
 2  where r.owner not in (select q.owner from query_table q)
 3  order by 1,2;

no rows selected

SQL> -- retry the NOT EXISTS query
SQL> select r.owner, r.object_name from results_table r
 2  where not exists (select '1' from  query_table q where r.owner=q.owner)
 3  order by 1,2;

OWNER                          OBJECT_NAME                                                                                         
------------------------------ ------------------------------                                                                      
HEMANT                         DUPDB                                                                                               
HEMANT                         MY_T_A                                                                                              
HEMANT                         RESULTS_TABLE                                                                                       
HEMANT                         SOURCE_TABLE                                                                                        
HEMANT                         TEST_APPEND                                                                                         
HEMANT                         TRACE_USER_SESSIONS                                                                                 
HEMANT                         TRACE_USER_SESSIONS_BEGIN                                                                           
HEMANT                         TRACE_USER_SESSIONS_END                                                                             

8 rows selected.

SQL> ---
SQL> REM  Surprise ?!   The NOT IN returned 0 rows !
SQL> REM  Why ?  Because of the presence of a NULL in the query_table !
SQL> REM  REMEMBER : A "NOT IN"  anti-join fails because a NULL returned cannot be compared !
SQL> --
SQL> REM One "workaround" is to filter out rows which contain NULLs
SQL> REM     .... but think carefully before you do so. Are you sure you want to exclude them ?
SQL> REM In the ideal world, such columns should be defined as NOT NULL columns !
SQL> REM That would be the right schema design !
SQL> -- test the suggested workaround
SQL> select r.owner, r.object_name from results_table r
 2  where r.owner not in (select q.owner from query_table q WHERE OWNER IS NOT NULL)
 3  order by 1,2;

OWNER                          OBJECT_NAME                                                                                         
------------------------------ ------------------------------                                                                      
HEMANT                         DUPDB                                                                                               
HEMANT                         MY_T_A                                                                                              
HEMANT                         RESULTS_TABLE                                                                                       
HEMANT                         SOURCE_TABLE                                                                                        
HEMANT                         TEST_APPEND                                                                                         
HEMANT                         TRACE_USER_SESSIONS                                                                                 
HEMANT                         TRACE_USER_SESSIONS_BEGIN                                                                           
HEMANT                         TRACE_USER_SESSIONS_END                                                                             

8 rows selected.


You can see that if there is a single row with a NULL value on the query predicate (the OWNER column in QUERY_TABLE), the NOT IN query actually fails.

Tom Kyte has explained this in the section on Anti-Joins in his "Effective Oracle By Design" book. However, I prefer the much better explanation by Roger Schrag

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